Privacy Policy


CREDOWEB is a cloud-based platform for establishing and managing communication in the healthcare sector. The platform and this corporate website are owned and operated by CredoWeb EOOD, Bulgaria. The company offers a range of digital marketing solutions specifically designed for pharmaceutical companies to help them build better relationships with their stakeholders.

At CREDOWEB, accessible from, one of our main priorities is the privacy of our visitors. This Privacy Policy document outlines the types of information that are collected and recorded by CREDOWEB and how we use it.


By using our website, you hereby agree and accept our Privacy Policy and agree to all other applicable terms of use accessible on the website.


For more information about the types of cookies the website uses and how you could delete cookies, please read our Cookie Policy.


When you use our website to make it better for you, we collect the following information:

Contact Information

If you contact us using our contact form, we will receive information about you such as your name, the organization you work for, your email address, and your phone number. We will use this information to communicate with you and provide answers to any questions you might have regarding our services.

We will not provide your information to third parties not directly connected to your query. CREDOWEB stores your personal data until you decide to withdraw your consent in part or in full by sending us an email.


5.1 Marketing of Services and Activities

CREDOWEB may use the personal information you shared in the contact form and cookies to offer you specially targeted content that may include marketing and/or advertising information. We will ask for your consent for the following activities:

  • Receive a periodic newsletter with useful information on the email or phone number you specified. The newsletter contains articles, news, and information about our services. The newsletter may contain marketing and/or advertising content. You can unsubscribe at any time.


6.1 Your Security Comes First in Everything We Do

We work hard to protect our users’ interest in unauthorized access or unauthorized modification, disclosure, or destruction of information we store and put in place protective measures to protect user information by:

  • Using security protocols such as HTTPS
  • Using the highest encryption standards in the industry
  • Using physical protection measures to protect against unauthorized access to our systems
  • Restricting access to personal information to employees, contractors, and others who need to know this information in order to process it. They are subject to strict contractual obligations of confidentiality, data processing procedures, and internal rules
  • Regularly monitoring our systems for possible vulnerabilities and attacks

6.2 How We Prevent Harm and Respond to Legal Inquiries

We introduce various protection measures to protect the user’s personal data. In case of an identified risk or unauthorized access to data or a signal from a user (security risk/unauthorized access), we will take all possible measures to limit the risk and conduct an investigation, remedy security weaknesses/breaches, and notify the state institutions for personal data protection in accordance with the law.

We do not provide “disguised” access to data to our users or to servers that store their data to state institutions, but we may grant them access, retain and share your information in response to a legal request (such as a court order, etc.) if the law obliges us to do so.


CREDOWEB respects your privacy rights and does its best to protect them. In this regard, keep in mind that:

  1. You may request that your personal data not be used for any purpose other than that for which you have expressly agreed and only in accordance with this Privacy Policy and all applicable laws.
  2. You may request a correction of your personal data.
  3. You may request a copy of all personal data stored with us.
  4. You may restrict by any means or withdraw your consent altogether.
  5. You may request the deletion of any individual or all of the personal information collected about you (the right to be forgotten).
  6. You may decide not to be part of automated profiling and/or automated solutions regarding you when the decisions are based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which causes legal consequences affecting you or other consequences that affect you equally significantly.
  7. You may request access to the information used about you, correct it, use human intervention, express an opinion, object and challenge a decision about you when the decision is based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which causes legal consequences affecting you or other consequences that affect you equally significantly.
  8. You may ask not to be targeted with marketing communication.
  9. You may want to know the place where your personal data is stored.
  10. You may request that your personal data not be sent or shared with third parties outside the European Union where there are no appropriate measures in place to protect your personal data.
  11. You may request that your personal information be transferred to a third party in a standard format.
  12. You may request information and assistance from us in relation to the use of your personal data and your rights.
  13. You can file a complaint about your rights with the state institutions for personal data protection.


Please read our Privacy Policy carefully and consent to the use of your personal information for the purposes you choose. You may restrict or completely withdraw your consent at any time by email. Please note that this does not affect the legality of all actions performed by CREDOWEB prior to the withdrawal of consent.


We may periodically amend/update this Privacy Policy and/or other documents of the website. If you do not agree to these changes, you should stop using the website. If necessary, we will ask again for your consent to the processing of your personal data.


If you need assistance in relation to your rights, this Privacy Policy, or you want to inform us about an identified risk/unauthorized access or potential risk/unauthorized access in connection with data protection, you may contact us: CREDOWEB EOOD, UIC 201725772, Personal Data Controller within the meaning of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and within the meaning of Bulgarian legislation at the following email address:

When a user contacts CREDOWEB customer service, additional information may also be requested to assist them.